Spring Floral Portraits

May 2023

It all started with a pair of pearl gloves

One day while browsing the internet, I came across pearl embellished gloves. It was in that moment that I knew I needed a pair and have to have a photoshoot with them. That got my mind whirling, and amidst the dead of winter I dreamed up a floral photoshoot filled with lilacs, pearls, and beautiful dresses.

Then Spring arrived. I waited patiently for the lilacs to be in full bloom. While on my scouting mission to find the perfect photo location, I happened across this long row of beautiful lilac bushes that happened to be in a field with one beautiful and still blooming pink tree. And what would you know—the satin dress she wore in front of the blooming tree was an old homecoming dress she had. Doesn’t it look like we bought it specifically for this shoot?!

I had dreamed of this shoot and what it might look like, and it turned out better then I could have imagined.


Pride and Prejudice Meets Dark Acadamia